
Stinking Rich
Stinking Rich by Andrew Swan
7 Sept – 9 Oct 2021
Daisy Laing Gallery

Stinking Rich is a nine month project researching and analysing extreme individual wealth. It focusses on seven of the richest people in the UK and worldwide, exploring how they created their wealth and the impact this activity has had on society and the environment.

The resulting exhibition consists of a series of seven etched and sprayed panels created out of recycled printing plates.

NSA member Penny Florence has written a very interesting and pertinent essay about the recent Edge of Dark exhibition. Entitled Edge of DarkCurating Under Covid. Reflections on the Group Show in actuality, virtually, in the rural ‘Provinces’ and how BLM matters everywhere. In the introduction to the essay she writes:

It is an exploration of the way that art can clarify the interrelation between some of the broader issues of our time: political and social fragmentation, artistic activity beyond the great acknowledged centres, and aspects of the impact of the virtual on the visual arts. Covid-19 is a part of this, not a separate phenomenon.

It is also a conversational tour round the show with guest curator Jesse Leroy Smith, where he talks about his approach to curating – ‘selecting a number of key works, placing
them and then designing the hang in response’. You can read the the PDF of the essay here.

Jesse Leroy Smith, all photos ©Steve Tanner